Advertising Coordinator Salary UK

Advertising Coordinator Salary UK

Advertising coordinators are individuals who organize all advertising activities and initiatives of an organization. They carry out market research, conduct promotional campaigns, identify target audiences and assess current trends. The roles and responsibilities of the advertising coordinator are as follows:

  • Develop strategic advertising strategies and conduct advertising activities.
  • Implement advertising strategies and create advertising campaigns.
  • Set up tracking systems for advertising campaigns.
  • Identify advertising opportunities and industry trends.
  • Develop and manage all internal and external communication channels.
  • Maintain confidentiality of sensitive information.
  • Collecting, analyzing sales data, and preparing a report in simplified form.
  • Comparing, analyzing actual and forecasted data of budget.

An advertising coordinator is an entry-level position, which helps a graduate to gain experience in the advertising and marketing field. A creative mindset, project management, and communication skills are the most important skills required for an advertising coordinator.

Average Advertising Coordinator salary in United Kingdom

The average salary of an advertising coordinator in the United Kingdom is £25,220/yr. The average is calculated from the sample of three different hiring websites, including Reed, Indeed, and totaljobs. This average is based on a sample of 280 jobs posting on the mentioned websites.

Variables that determine salary of Advertising Coordinator in United Kingdom

The pay range is not wide for an advertising coordinator; it ranges from £25,000 to £35,000 approximately. Thus there are no significant variables that affect the pay of an advertising coordinator. The little gap that is visible can be due to the level of experience in the industry.

However, if an advertising coordinator is self-employed he/she can earn more than a hired one. It is suggested that the individual should take into consideration the working hours and associated costs if opting for self-employment.

Skills, Qualification and Career Development

There is a diverse range of industries and sectors which are reaching their customers through marketing and advertisement. So as an aspiring advertising coordinator you can work in any field and sector of your interest. A large to a medium-sized organization has an in-house advertising department. There are certain agencies that specialize in advertising and marketing and can be your future hiring organization.

An individual with any educational background can work as an advertising coordinator, but a qualification in the following field would be helpful in a job:

  • Advertising
  • Business management
  • Journalism
  • Marketing
  • Media and communication
  • Public relations

The following skills would help you to achieve a successful career as an advertising coordinator:

  • An in-depth understanding of a range of advertising strategies.
  • Excellent writing skills and ability to edit according to different platforms.
  • Creative mind and ability to communicate with people.
  • Excellent networking, collaborating, and leadership qualities.
  • Ability to Multitask, capacity to establish priority and lead a team.
  • Motivation, commitment, and attention to detail.
  • Coordination, cooperation, and flexibility in work.

As an advertising coordinator an individual career can progress in many directions which are shown in the following diagram:


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Advertising Coordinator Salary UK

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