Marketing Specialist Salary UK

Marketing Specialist Salary UK

The individual who develop, execute, and monitor marketing programs across a variety of channels is called marketing specialist. Depending on the position, marketing specialist would also help with coordinating events such as trade shows or conferences. A marketing specialist can analyze data, identify new trends, manage projects, and have great interpersonal communication skills. The typical responsibilities of a marketing specialist are

  • Develop, execute and keep a record of marketing programs.
  • Work together with other internal teams.
  • Develop and observe strategic marketing initiatives.
  • Analyze and report on the performance and efficiency of campaigns.
  • Perform marketing research and investigate trends to identify new marketing opportunities.
  • Develop and create marketing materials.
  • Write, proofread and edit creative and technical content.
  • Work with external agencies and vendors to execute marketing programs

The experience of marketing specialist plays an important role in getting a better job. The typical working hours of a marketing specialist is 9 to 5 but can lead to overtime or long working hours during an event or occasion.

Average Marketing Specialist salary in United Kingdom

The average salary of a marketing specialist in the United Kingdom is £32,701/yr. The average is calculated from the sample of five different hiring websites, including Glassdoor, Payscale, Reed, Indeed, and totaljobs. This average is based on a sample of 1,372 jobs posting on the mentioned websites.

The salary range of a marketing specialist varies from £24,000 to £55,000 in the United Kingdom. This range is due to many factors, variables, which are discussed next.

Variables that determine salary of Marketing Specialist in United Kingdom

  1. Experience and age: The age of a marketing specialist and his/her experience plays an important factor in determining the salary of marketing specialist in the United Kingdom.
  2. Geographical location: The pattern of salaries paid in the United Kingdom varies from location to location. The top three highest paying cities of UK to a marketing specialist are Gloucester, London, and Coventry.


Skills, Qualification, and Career Development

Marketing is a need of all organizations in the modern world, so the job prospects of marketing specialists are bright. The position can be secured in any sector of your choice and interest. The top companies hiring for a marketing specialist in the UK are

  • BMS performance LLP
  • Mind
  • Birkbeck, University of London

The skills required to work as an efficient marketing specialist are as follows

  • Strong knowledge of marketing, and analytical tools, and content management systems.
  • Ability to do data analysis and analytical skills.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skill
  • Editing, organizing, and managing project, and project reports.
  • Creativity and attention to detail.
  • Influencing and negotiating skills.

The educational background required to be a marketing specialist is a bachelor’s degree in business administration, marketing, communication, and related field. As a marketing specialist, your career can progress as follows

An individual should be passionate and have the drive to achieve something in the marketing field. Then his/her career would be bright and can progress into a chief marketing officer.


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