Sales Operation Manager Salary UK

Sales operation manager salary UK

Sales operation manager is a mid-to-upper level role that manages sales teams efficiently and productively. The sales operation manager interacts with all levels of the sales team and sometimes work along with the marketing team. The roles and responsibilities of sales operation manager are:

  • Support and partner with sales and marketing department and discuss new campaigns and processes.
  • Enhance sales productivity.
  • Refine customer segmentation and analyze key metrics.
  • Create monthly sales targets and keep a check on achieving those targets.
  • Maintain procurement and contract records.

Average Sales operation manager salary in United Kingdom

The average salary of a sales operation manager in the United Kingdom is £44,007/yr. The average is calculated from the sample of four different hiring websites, including Glassdoor, Payscale, Indeed, and totaljobs. This average is based on a sample of 15,120 job posts on the mentioned websites.

The salary range of a sales operation manager varies from £20,000 to £60,000 in the United Kingdom. This range is due to many factors, variables, which are discussed next.

Variables that determine salary of sales operation manager in United Kingdom

  1. Geographical location: The pattern of salaries paid in the United Kingdom varies from location to location. The highest paying cities for a sales operation manager in the UK are Watford, Birmingham, and Manchester.
  1. Level of experience: The experience of a sales operation manager matters in determining salary; the more experienced the individual is the more pay he/she would get.
  1. Other variables: Mostly the pay is dependent on performance and commission and these two can create pay differences among sales operation managers.

Skills, Qualification and Career Development

If you are dreaming of becoming a sales operation manager the following information would be useful for you.

There are various big organizations both private and public sector who employee a sales operation manager. You can work as a sales operation manager in any sector of your choice. The sales operation manager job is a full-time job, but you can also be hired on a contract basis. Companies publish sales operation manager vacancies on their websites. So keeping a regular update of different organization websites is crucial.

A minimum bachelor ’s degree in technical, business administration or a relevant field is an educational requirement for employers hiring a sales operation manager. As it is a basic requirement of sales operation manager position that they have in-depth knowledge of products and services being offered by the organization. Moreover, an experience of more than 5 years in a relevant field is the requirement of an employer.

The following skills are required from a sales operation manager;

  • Advance excel and CRM applications knowledge.
  • Understanding of email marketing strategy and high-level sales strategy.
  • Efficient in problem-solving
  • A result and success-oriented mentality.
  • Excellent communication skills and with salesforce and clients.
  • Excellent negotiating and leadership skills.
  • Capacity to manage various projects and work on strict deadlines.

A sales operation manager can progress his/her career to marketing director, then VP of marketing, then to chief marketing officer with continuous improvement in work and relationship.


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