Staying Safe This Winter

You can catch Covid a second time, probably from a new variant, but it will be much less severe if you have been vaccinated as you will have built up immunity from the first time and you are much less likely to end up in hospital.  If you have a cold, stay at home and rest as your immunity system at that time may be weakened, making you more susceptible to infection by another virus.

Clean your hands and surfaces.

To reduce the risk of infection.  When out and about use any available sanitizers and rub your hands until the gel has evaporated, including between your fingers. If someone in your household has the virus, clean shared surfaces regularly.


Covid 19 is generally transmitted through the air as droplets.  Close or prolonged contact in unventilated, crowded spaces where people are coughing or touching, increases your risk.

It is important to wear a mask in situations like these.  Remember, even if you have been vaccinated you can pass on the virus to others by carrying the virus on your skin or in your lungs.  Follow the isolation procedures if you test positive, even if vaccinated and remember to keep up with your vaccinations as it is believed that immunity tends to wane after five to six months. More research is being conducted about this possibility.

Stay aware and cautious.

Minimize prolonged indoor contact with strangers and practise regularly all the practical habits acquired during lockdown – mask-wearing, hand-washing, sanitizing and isolating if required.  “But we’re not out of the woods yet,” says G.P. Edward Pooley.  “There is a risk of new variants forming that may have a bigger impact and more severe symptoms.” The vaccinations are helping but are not perfect.  Make sure that your mask is well-fitting and of good quality and avoid touching it too much.  I always wear mine in indoor public spaces as rates are likely to increase over the winter as people spend longer indoors with others.  Remember – mask-wearing and hand-washing/sanitizing will also reduce the likelihood of you becoming infected by the common cold, seasonal flu and vomiting viruses such as norovirus.

Likely to forget advice? 

Make a list or draw an image.  Drink tea. Black and green tea help to protect against enzymes associated with the development of Alzheimer’s. Drink at least one cup a day. I have been doing so for years, ever since a doctor told me that green tea helps to reduce cholesterol.  Also, reading out loud helps the memory.


” Breakfast is important. Your body fasts overnight and expects you to eat food once you wake up.  Eating food has a positive impact on memory recall, motivation levels and mood,” according to nutritional therapist Wilma MacDonald.


Written by Anita McGhee x