Family Lawyer Salary UK

“Please see below our article on the average a family lawyer makes as a salary in the UK.”

Family lawyer deals with the family law branch of legal field. As the name suggests, a family lawyer helps finding solutions related to complex marriage and parenthood complications. The family law is related to relationships so involve dealing with a range of age groups, from children to elderly people. A family lawyer would have to perform the following functions:

  • Draft, research, investigate and evaluate legal documents, evidence that might help in clients’ case.
  • Dealing with divorce and relationship breakdown.
  • Settling financial disputes related to marriage, separation and children custody.
  • Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements.

A career as a family lawyer is challenging, as it involves personal involvement of the lawyer. The emotional connection and dealing with distress of the clients can be immensely rewarding for the lawyers.

Average Family Lawyer salary in United Kingdom

The average salary of Family Lawyer in United Kingdom is £43,536/yr. The average is calculated from the sample of three different hiring websites, including Reed, Indeed, and totaljobs. This average is based on a sample of 1,898 jobs posting on the mentioned websites.

The salary range of a family lawyer varies from £25,000 to £47,500 in United Kingdom. This range is due to many factors, variables, which are discussed next.

Variables that determine salary of Family Lawyer in United Kingdom

The pay range is not wide for a family lawyer; it ranges from £25,000 to £47,500 approximately. Thus there are no significant variables that affect the pay of a family lawyer. The little gap that is visible can be due to level of experience in the industry or the location of the lawyer. The highest paying cities to a family lawyer in United Kingdom are:

  • Oxford
  • London
  • Guildford

However, if a family lawyer is self-employed he/she can earn more than a hired one. It is suggested that the individual should take into consideration the working hours and associated costs if opting for self-employment.

Skills, Qualification and Career Development

If you are an aspirant of a family lawyer, following are some helping points.

The top companies that are hiring for a family lawyer are

  • Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
  • Dawson Cornwell
  • Farrer and Co
  • James legal
  • Slater and Gordon lawyers

To become an efficient family lawyer the person should have the following capabilities.

  • Excellent people and communication skill.
  • Excellent social skills including tact, empathy and compassion.
  • Ability to be professionalism and objective.
  • Having a positive attitude and great work ethic.
  • Ability to be patient and be calm in tough situations.

The educational qualification required to be a family lawyer is

  • An undergraduate degree followed by a bachelor of Law (LLB), an elective module is available for opting family law field.
  • The next step is legal practice course or a bar professional training course.
  • Then you need a special professional training in the family law field.

There is a little change in the qualification for solicitor in 2021; there would be just one exam to pass (Solicitor Qualifying Examination – SQE).

We hope that the information provided above would be helpful in your career choice.

Please see below our salary guide for other legal roles that you might be interested in.


“Family Lawyer salary UK”

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