What skills do businesses want from graduates or school leavers?

What are the skills that employers want when looking to recruit graduates or school leavers?

You have studied hard for years and spent ages in the library to pass those all-important exams?

Have you gained a good degree or set of A Levels and are you now looking for that first job?

Your academic qualifications will only get you so far as when it comes to getting on the first rung of that employment ladder, other skills are equally as important for you to consider..

What skills do businesses want from graduates or school leavers?


Firstly, not surprisingly is communication. Being able to express your ideas clearly and confidently is a must. Remember to have plenty of eye contact with your interviewer and remember to smile and not just give one word answers to questions. Written communication skills are equally important and your cv is the first example of this, so make sure it is written well and stands out from the crowd.

Teamwork is considered one of the key attributes for prospective employers so think of areas in your academic career or sporting life where you have excelled at this

Investigation, analysis and problem solving. Being able to gather information systematically, to pick out the ‘important bits’ from a report for example. To establish the facts and analyse them. These are skills that are often overlooked by candidates but are vital skills for almost any job.

Being self-motivated and able to act on your own initiative – identifying opportunities and being proactive in putting forward ideas and solutions. Most employers like employees to have the confidence to ‘go it alone’ when it comes to their jobs, not having to constantly supervise or monitor their work or make sure they turn up for work on time.

Having enthusiasm and drive, being determined to get things done, make things happen and constantly looking for better ways to do things are skills that are highly valued. There is nothing worse than appearing uninterested, bored or downright depressed with your work or environment. Everyone wants to work with happy, keen people who have a professional attitude in everything they do.

Flexibility is very important in the workplace, being able and willing to adapt successfully to changing situations and environments. Very few jobs are rigid in their requirements and employers want to see people who relish the idea of change and new challenges, who are willing to try new things and sometimes work outside of the job description.

Last but not least is time-management. Being able to prioritise tasks, fulfilling them in a timely and well-ordered fashion is one of the most important skills to pick up as soon as you start a new job. Usually the top of the list of duties within a job specification is the one that is viewed as most important by the employer so read the job spec carefully and you will be well prepared for your new role.


“What skills do businesses want” – Good luck.

Journey Recruitment hopes you have a great day. 

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