Product Manager Salary UK

Product Manager Salary UK

A product manager knows the business, marketing, data analysis, and technology, and interacts with people. The product manager ensures that the product is made efficiently and performs the following duties as well:

  • Contributing towards product strategy and vision.
  • Meeting frequently with all stakeholders.
  • Gathering, analyzing, and responding to ideas and opinions.
  • Planning and demonstrating new product features and changes to the product to stakeholders.
  • Implementing or supporting marketing campaigns.
  • Overseeing product development stages and project management.
  • Researching and keeping an eye on competitors and similar products.
  • Managing and working on the budget.

Average Product manager salary in United Kingdom

The average salary of a product manager in the United Kingdom is £52,940/yr. The average is calculated from the sample of four different hiring websites, including Glassdoor, Reed, Indeed, and totaljobs. This average is based on a sample of 4551 job posts on the mentioned websites.

The salary range of a corporate attorney varies from £30,000 to £65,000 in the United Kingdom. This range is due to many factors, variables, which are discussed next.

Variables that determine salary of Product manager in United Kingdom

  1. Geographical location: The pattern of salaries paid in the United Kingdom varies from location to location. The top three highest paying cities of the UK to a product manager are Newcastle upon Tyne, Southeast London, Central London, and West London.
  1. Job experience and age: The age of an individual and his/her experience plays an important factor in determining the salary of a product manager in the United Kingdom.
Job Title Average Salary Paid
Product manager or junior product manager£25,000 to  £40,000/year
Experienced or senior product manager£35,000 to  £60,000/year
Executive level£60,000 or more /year


  1. Size of product: The salary for a product manager in the UK can also differentiate due to the size of the product that the manager is responsible for.

Skills, Qualification and Career Development

A project manager would get a job position in any private firm, occasionally non-profit and government organization also hire for posts of a project manager. Technology, business, and financial service industries mostly require a project manager.

The employer usually requires an individual with a bachelor’s degree related to their industry or a business-related degree. If you do not have a bachelor’s degree, then universities also offer short courses and certifications which an individual can opt for.

The individual should be equipped with the following skills to become a product manager:

  • Ability to make and support your decision with research.
  • Ability to create roadmaps achieves deadlines, and be visionary.
  • Strong and clear communicative and collaborating skills.
  • Excellent diplomat with good persuasive and negotiating skills.
  • Good analytical skills and attention to detail.
  • Well-versed in the latest industry trends, product features, and customer opinion.

Over time with training and development, a product manager can progress his/her career in 5 years time period. The career path of a product manager would look as follows

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