5 Signs of a Toxic Workplace

Do you often find yourself thinking that your company may be a toxic workplace? Do you dread going into work each day? Then this blog post could help you identify 5 potential signs of a toxic workplace. A toxic workplace … Continued

The Best Places to Find a New Job

Are you looking for an amazing new job but have no idea where to start? Do you have some job sites that you stick to, but don’t know any other great places to find new roles? If the answer to … Continued

How to Write a Great Cover Letter

Do you always struggle when writing a great cover letter? Do not panic! Here at Journey Recruitment, we review hundreds of CV’s and cover letters every single day, so we wanted to share our knowledge on how to write a … Continued

How To Use The STAR Method In An Interview

Do you struggle when asked questions in an interview such as “tell me about a time when..” or “describe a situation when..”?  Do you find interview questions a source of anxiety and always struggle to answer them effectively? Unfortunately, almost … Continued

How To Get a Job After You Graduate: 5 Top Tips

Are you about to graduate from university and are panicking about securing your dream role? Do not panic! We know that finding your first job after university can be a very daunting process, especially when you are juggling your job … Continued

Why Hybrid Working is the Preference for Staff

Working in a recruitment agency like Journey Recruitment, we speak to hundreds of candidates each week. One of the most important questions we ask candidates at the very beginning of our conversations is: Have you got a preference when it … Continued

Top 5 Interview Tips

Are you looking to secure your dream role this year but absolutely hate interviews? Have you been invited to your first ever interview and have no idea what is expected of you? Do not worry either way, as we have … Continued

5 Top Tips to Prepare Your CV for 2023

New Year, New Career? Are you currently looking to secure a new role? Do you sometimes feel you have the perfect skillset and experience for roles but just don’t seem to be getting much response? This is a common issue … Continued