HR Advisor Pay Scale 2021 in the United Kingdom

 HR Advisor Pay Scale 2021 in the United Kingdom

The human resources department overlooks the people who works for the organization and deals with matters related to employees. There are many HR roles and positions, among which HR Advisor is a crucial one. HR Advisor usually works with the HR Directors and senior managers to create effective recruiting and hiring processes. We have decided to write an article on the average HR advisor salary in the UK.

Average HR advisor salary in United Kingdom

The average salary of HR advisor in United Kingdom is £38,114/yr.

According to,, and  HR Advisor average salary is £45459/yr,  £36,383, and £32,500 based on 68, 149 and 613 (respectively) job vacancies posted on the site.

It is clear from above information that HR advisor salary has a big range, starting from £26,000 to £62,650. It can be induced from the range that many variables play a role in determining the pay that a person can earn. These averages help determine your estimated earnings in a year but these are not actually representation of your annual income.

Variables that determine pay scale of HR advisor in United Kingdom

The pay that an organization offers an employee depends upon many variables, some of them are discussed below:

  1. Job Experience: The pay that you get for HR advisor role or any role depends upon your prior experience. If an individual is a fresh graduate then his pay scale would be less as compared to a person working for 10 years as a HR advisor.  
  2. Job timings: If you are working full time the pay-scale would be more as compared to part-time (flexible hours advantage).
  3. Geographical Location: The location of your posting in United Kingdom also affects the pay scale offered. com has provided a detailed table (follow the link) stating the location along with average pay given.

Skills, Qualification and Career Development

If you are looking at being a HR advisor, following are some helping points.

There are certain skills that would help you become effective HR advisor

  • Effective, good communication
  • Empathy
  • Organizing and managing
  • Employment law knowledge
  • Logical and critical thinking

There is a certain qualification requirement that would help your dream of being a HR advisor. A degree in HR along with CIPD qualification is preferred and If you want to advance your career then doing a level 5 and level 7 in CIPD qualification is an added advantage.

The future of HR advisor has bright career advancements. A person can progress into a HR manager, HR business partner role. People can also move a step ahead in their career by advancing into HR consultant, Head of HR, HR director, Head of people and culture.

We have written some more articles which may help you in deciding your next move in HR.

We have written some more articles which may help you in deciding your next move in HR.



“HR Advisor Salary UK”

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