Associate General Counsel Salary UK

Associate General Counsel Salary UK

An associate general counsel as the name suggests is someone who works with the general counsel of an organization. The associate general counsel and general counsel of an organization, work together to ensure that the companies policies and procedures are in accordance to legal law and rights. We have decided to write an article on the average salary an associate general counsel should expect to receive in the UK. An associate general counsel is a high level management position and has the following duties to perform:

  • Provide legal advice and general corporate legal services to general counsel.
  • Provide counsel and support to general counsel.
  • Oversee and direct company litigation.
  • Coordinate with outside attorneys.
  • Drafting, reviewing and negotiating terms of agreement and contracts.


Average Associate General Counsel salary in United Kingdom

The average salary of an Associate General Counsel in United Kingdom is £137,650/yr. The average is calculated from the sample of two different hiring websites, including Glassdoor, and Payscale. This average is based on a sample of 523 jobs posting on the mentioned websites.

The salary range of an Associate General Counsel varies from £57,000 to £252,000 in United Kingdom. This range is due to many factors, variables, which are discussed next.

Variables that determine salary of Associate General Counsel in United Kingdom

Job experience and age:

The age of a solicitor and his/her experience plays an important factor in determining the salary of corporate attorney in United Kingdom. A corporate attorney at different levels can earn the following salary

Experience LevelTenure Salary (in £)
Mid- Career5-9 years79,000
Experienced10-19 years108,000
Late – Career20 years and above135,000


Skills, Qualification and Career Development

If you aspire to be an Associate General Counsel, please find the following points to help you

There are certain skills (mentioned below) that would help you

  • Management of contracts, licensing and litigation case.
  • Reviewing of legal document.
  • Proficient in counselling.
  • Proficient in legal case management software
  • Excellent writing and communication skills.
  • Excellent analytical ability.
  • Capable of working with diverse business personnel and maintaining their confidentiality.

The educational capability required to work as an associate general counsel includes a minimum qualification of LLB or Juris doctor from an ABA accredited law school.

If one fulfills his/her role effectively and successfully as an associate general counsel than there are strong chances of personal and professional growth into a general counsel. There are many other pathways and career progression in an associate general counsel which are shown in the following diagram:

Please see below our salary guide for other legal roles that you might be interested in.


“Associate General Counsel Salary UK”

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