Network Engineer Salary UK

Please see below an article on a Network Engineer average salary in the UK.

A person who enables data to pass between computers in a network to assist communication between users is called network engineer. A network engineer provides support to users, and ensures integrity of network infrastructure. Network includes computer, voice and firewall. The duties performed by network engineer include:

  • Design, implement and establish new networking environment.
  • Providing solutions that maximize network performance.
  • Administer and maintain firewall environment.
  • Configuring and upgrading data network equipment.
  • Overlook capacity and resource management.
  • Communicate with project management teams, customers and service desk engineers on regular basis.

Network engineers can work with an organization or can outsource their services working with multiple clients.

Average Network Engineer salary in United Kingdom

The average salary of network engineer in United Kingdom is £47,054/yr. The average is calculated from the sample of three different hiring websites, including Glassdoor, Reed, and CWjobs. This average is based on a sample of 1,415 jobs posting on the mentioned websites.

The salary range of a corporate attorney varies from £29,000 to £68,000 in United Kingdom. This range is due to many factors, variables, which are discussed next.

Variables that determine salary of Network engineer in United Kingdom

  1. Job experience and age: The age of a network engineer and his/her experience plays an important factor in determining his/her salary in United Kingdom. At entry level an individual earns £29,000, whereas an experienced network engineer can earn up to £70,000.
  2. Sectors: Salary of network engineer depends on the size, scope and type of sector and organization.
  3. Value of IT infrastructure also plays a role in determining salary of network engineer.
  4. Geographical Location: The pattern of salaries paid in United Kingdom varies from location to location. The top three highest paying cities of UK to a network engineer are, London, Bristol, and Manchester.

Skills, Qualification and Career Development

If you are an aspirant of network engineering, following are some helping points.

An organization with large, sophisticated IT system can be a great working place for a network engineer. There are some organizations that outsource the roles and responsibilities of network engineer to specialists. Large organizations have proper graduate trainee programs.

There are certain skills that an organization requires in a network engineer.

  • Be aware of importance of customer focal point and serving their needs.
  • Creative problem-solving and analytical ability.
  • Ability to multitask and paying attention to detail.
  • Excellent communication, team management and technical skills.
  • Latest knowledge and understanding of business and industry needs.
  • Ability to handle workload and organizational managerial work.

In order to be hired as network engineer a graduate degree in a computer subject, this includes computer science, computer software, electrical engineering, network security management. In order to proceed in career employers would require you to do different certifications.

As the market has become dynamic an individual has to broaden his knowledge and constantly get training. A network engineer can progress to network management role, project manager or network architect.

Please see below our salary guide for other IT roles that you might be interested in.


“Network Engineer Salary UK”

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