Systems Analyst Salary UK

Please see below our article on the average salary a systems analyst should expect to receive in the UK.

System analyst designs, modify, enhance or adapt new/existing IT solutions, and to improve business efficiency, productivity, integrate enhanced features into business. The system analyst plays a role to liaison between internal and external clients and stakeholders. The roles performed by systems analyst are:

  • Scrutinize existing IT systems and business models
  • Evaluate systems requirements.
  • Carry out product development.
  • Implement, configure and test feasible solution.
  • Conducting a cost analysis and feasibility report.
  • Plan and work flexibly to deadlines.

To work as a system analyst an individual needs a high level of technical expertise and a clear understanding of current business practices. A system analyst works 37 to 40 hours a week and sometimes would require working overtime.

Average System Analyst salary in United Kingdom

The average salary of system analyst in United Kingdom is £45,510/yr. The average is calculated from the sample of three different hiring websites, including Glassdoor, CWjobs, and checkasalary. This average is based on a sample of 438 jobs posting on the mentioned websites.

The salary range of a system analyst varies from £23,000 to £70,000 in United Kingdom. This range is due to many factors, variables, which are discussed next.

Variables that determine salary of System Analyst in United Kingdom

  1. Job experience and age: The age of a system analyst and his/her experience plays an important factor in determining the salary of system analyst in United Kingdom.
  2. Sectors: The salary differs among sectors. Some sectors particularly financial sectors of London, South east and midlands pay higher salary.
  3. Skill set: if an individual has good business skills he can not only progress in his career but also create difference in his pay scale.

Skills, Qualification and Career Development

In order to complete your dream of becoming a system analyst you can benefit from following information

There are technology giants like IBM present, to micro organization hiring for system analyst. Every organization requires a system analyst, so wide employment opportunities are present in every sector.

The following skills would be helpful in becoming a successful and efficient system analyst.

  • Wide knowledge of hardware, software and programming.
  • Excellent communication (oral and written) and analytical skills.
  • Ability to learn quickly and flexible approach to work.
  • Ability to negotiate, plan and initiate projects.
  • Business awareness and team working skills.
  • Creative problem solving skills.
  • Knowledge of programming codes.

An entry level position do not require any specific degree but most individuals working as system analyst are IT or business graduates. Individuals can get a certification to gain knowledge and experience. Certification and course can be an added point in salary difference.

A system analyst can develop expertise in a particular area or business sector and your progress in career depends on up skilling in line with current trends. The career progression opportunity for system analyst is shown below

We hope that the information provided would be helpful in selection of your career.

Please see below our salary guide for other IT roles that you might be interested in.


“Systems Analyst Salary UK”

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